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Apsinthion De Luxe 55%

The history of Absinthe dates back to the times of Hippocrates, who treated his patients with wormwood. According to a few sources, the recipe was created at the end of the 17th century by a Swiss lady named Henriode collecting herbs, and the obtained elixir was willingly sold by local doctor Pierre Ordinarie to his patients. Absinthe was especially fashionable among artists. Its fans included Vincent van Gogh, Pablo Picasso, Oscar Wilde and Edouard Manet. Supposedly, the drink enhanced their creativity, ruled their minds, was a muse and inspiration. Absinthe became an icon of artistic bohemian circles. Numerous paintings and literary works were probably created owing to absinthe.

Apsinthion De Luxe is an original Polish Absinthe with 55% alcohol content, distilled in line with an ancient recipe. It is manufactured on the basis of natural, individually produced alcohol distillates and infusions made from herbs and spices. The composition of wormwood (Artemisia Absinthium) and aniseed (Anisi fructus) is enriched, among other things, with mint (Herba Menthae Piperitae) and coriander (Coriandri fructus). The right proportion of individual ingredients, the highest-quality Polish spirits, crystal-clear water and the characteristic green colour of absinthe emphasise the unique character of the beverage.

Colour - Green, aquamarine, cloudy, milky green when diluted.
Scent - Aniseed, liquorice, candy.
Taste - Spicy, very liquorice, not very sweet.
Finish - Medium.
Aftertaste - Medium to long, dominant aniseed.
General note - Interesting bitter.
Apsinthion De Luxe 55%

Apsinthion Grand De Luxe 68%

Apsinthion Grand De Luxe is absinthe with 68% alcohol content, manufactured on the basis of a herbal composition, including wormwood (Artemisia Absinthium), aniseed (Anisifructus), coriander (Coriandri fructus), angelica (Angelicae Archangelicae) and fennel (Foeniculi fructus). The essence of taste and aroma is obtained in the process of maceration of the ingredients in the highest-quality alcohol. The balanced taste and aroma of the drink is an effect of aging in oak barrels.

Taste and scent: aniseed and herbal, noticeable hint of bitterness.

Colour - Intense green.
Scent - Notes of mint, menthol.
Taste - Spicy, dry, liquorice.
Finish - Short.
Aftertaste - Bitter.
Apsinthion Grand De Luxe 68%

Apsinthion Tobacco 55%

Apsinthion Tobacco is an absinthe with a 55% alcohol content, flavoured with tobacco leaves. It is produced on the basis of infusing with herbs and spices, including wormwood (Artemisia Absinthium) and angelica (Angelicae Archangelicae), obtained through maceration in the highest-quality alcohol, enriched with the aroma of tobacco leaves (Nicotiana L.).

Colour - Caramel, slightly oily.
Scent - Bitter, artichokes, slightly minty, mixed herbs.
Taste - Bitter-sweet, sugar, a bit fruity, pleasant in the mouth.
Finish - Medium, good.
Aftertaste - Very nice.
General note - Very satisfactory, with a hint of sweet tobacco.
Apsinthion Tobacco 55%

Apsinthion Cannabis 55%

Apsinthion Cannabis is an absinthe with a 55% alcohol content, flavoured with hemp. It is manufactured on the basis of infusion, through maceration with herbs and spices, including wormwood (Artemisia Absinthium) and fennel (Foeniculi fructus) in the highest-quality alcohol, enriched with natural hemp (Cannabis Sativa) flavour.

Colour - Intensely green, oily.
Scent - Very distinct herbs, liquorice, almost juniper.
Taste - Somewhat spicy on the front of the tongue but also slightly sweet.
Finish - At first rather short, then turning into a large, full finish.
Aftertaste - Soothing and gentle.
General note - A pleasant drink.
Apsinthion Cannabis 55%