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Wild Fields Original

“Wild Fields” bring to mind the novels written by Henryk Sienkiewicz “to comfort hearts”. This historic land, covered with thick grass and with the scent of golden grains, can recall numerous battles of brave troops of the Polish – Lithuanian Commonwealth. The eagle on the label refers to the unique figure of the “fourth bard” – Stanisław Wyspiański and his drawings. The ears of harvested grain were “taken” from the emblem of Jaworze, the oldest town in Śląsk Cieszyński. These rich traditions and everything connected with them are combined in Wild Fields Whisky.

Wild Fields Original Single Grain Polish Whisky is manufactured in the traditional way. It is not cold-filtered, it matures in Polish oak barrels, is produced in a single batch, in one distillery, and a traditional variety of Polish rye is the main raw material used in its production.

Colour - Gold.
Scent - Fruity, honey, sweet, with a pleasant toasty aroma.
Taste - Full, delicate, oily, complex, well rounded.
Finish - Good, soothing, medium to long.
Aftertaste - Pleasant and relaxing.
General note - This product is an example of patience and perseverance in development work. It is also an exceptionally good example of a whisky that is easy to drink, ensuring a pleasant taste experience for men and women alike.
Wild Fields Original

Wild Fields Sherry

Wild Fields Whisky combines these rich traditions and everything connected with them. Wild Fields Sherry Cask Single Grain Polish Whisky is manufactured in the traditional way. It is not cold-filtered, it matures for 3 years in two 250 L oak barrels after Spanish sherry, and a traditional variety of Polish rye is the main raw material used in production.

Colour - Yellow, light gold.
Scent - Honey, sweet, with a slightly smoky note.
Taste - Pleasant fullness, oily, balanced, well rounded.
Finish - Pleasant, medium.
Aftertaste - Very compliant, delicate.
General note - This whisky has matured very well and is an exceptionally good example of excellent barrel selection.
Wild Fields Sherry

Wild Fields Single Malt Barley

Wild Fields Single Malt Barley is produced in the traditional way. It is not cold-filtered, it matures in Polish oak barrels, is manufactured in a single batch, in one distillery, and a traditional variety of Polish barley is the main raw material used in production. The whisky was bottled at the beginning of 2020. Only 300 bottles were obtained and sold out immediately.

Colour - Gold.
Scent - Herbal, fruity, mint, fresh.
Taste - Spicy, delicately smoky, oily, very complex.
Finish - Warm, satisfying.
Aftertaste - Medium to long.
Wild Fields Single Malt Barley

Wild Fields Single Malt Wheat

Wild Fields Single Malt Malted Wheat Single is manufactured in the traditional way. It is not cold-filtered, it matures in Polish oak barrels, is produced in a single batch, in one distillery, and a traditional variety of Polish wheat is the main raw material used in production. The whisky was bottled at the beginning of 2020. Only 300 bottles were obtained and sold out immediately.

Colour - Gold.
Scent - Astringent, earthy, note of marinated salmon.
Taste - Smoky, oily, slightly fishy, salty.
Finish - Light.
Aftertaste - Short.
Wild Fields Single Malt Wheat