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Śliwowica is a distillate of plums of Slavic origin. Śliwowica Podbeskidzka is a unique liquor obtained from natural fruit spirit. Its unique aroma and amber colour emerges due to aging in specially selected barrels.

Podbeskidzka Slivovitz

Śliwowica is a distillate of plums of Slavic origin, manufactured in Central and Eastern Europe and the Balkan Peninsula. Śliwowica Podbeskidzka is made only from natural, specially selected ingredients, crystal clear water and the highest-quality fruit. It is manufactured in line with a careful, time-consuming traditional technology that requires engagement. The distillate obtained in the process of alcoholic fermentation and distillation of plums is aged in 225L oak barrels.

Śliwowica should be tasted – drunk slowly in small sips, preferably from tasting glasses. Due to the high alcohol content, it may also be consumed in a milder version as a tea additive, in line with a well-known mountain recipe.

Taste and scent - dry, characteristic of plum distillate.
Podbeskidzka Slivovitz

Slivovitz from Szydłów

The history of Szydłów dates back to the 11th century. The settlement at the time, situated along a trade route, played a significant role. In those days, a robber called Szydło prowled along with his company, attacking and plundering traveling merchants.

The name of the settlement, Szydłów, comes from his name. In their spare time, the robbers enjoyed a golden drink called Śliwowica, which they produced using the crops of the surrounding orchards. The distillate obtained in the process of alcoholic fermentation and distillation of Szydłów plums is aged in oak barrels.

Śliwowica should be tasted – drunk slowly in small sips, preferably from tasting glasses. Due to the high alcohol content, it can also be consumed in a milder version as a tea additive.

Taste and scent - dry, characteristic of plum distillate.
Slivovitz from Szydłów

Kosher Certificate Lelów Slivovitz

The history of Kosher Certificate Śliwowica Lelowska dates back to old times when Lelów was an important town in Lesser Poland and the capital of the district covering the area from Pilica to Wieluń. Then, as rumoured, each transaction had to be confirmed with a glass of Śliwowica at the famous Lelów Market.

Koszerna Śliwowica Lelowska was recognised by the Jewish community as meeting the strict kosher standards of Jewish religious law. Obligatory visits of a rabbi and the obtained kosher certificate are a guarantee of using the highest-quality natural ingredients for its production and confirmation of traditional technology. The kosher logo is placed on bottles of the product.

Taste and scent - dry, characteristic of plum distillate.
Kosher Certificate Lelów Slivovitz